Loveland, Windsor, Fort Collins, Northern Colorado, USA



Supernatural Warfare


Samuel (SC Watchman) developed a great love for Christian comic book art beginning at age 12 when his dad got him the first Illuminator comic book for his birthday . Samuel collected other Christian Comic books including The Christian Crusader and Archangels: The Saga . (See also i.BIBLE,, & for examples of Samuel’s preferred art styles).

As Samuel grew up he copied the art style of his comic books and made lots of his own penciled comic books .

“The Good Shepherd” 2010

​In 1998 Samuel was introduced to Adobe Photoshop 3 by a family friend and he began to ink and color some of his comic book art digitally .

​In 2008 Samuel began to produce short Animated Productions on Youtube which are also on Bitchute . Note some don’t work on Bitchute.

Between 2013-2015 Samuel built two mods (The Pilgrims Progress Mod & TTOA The Tombs of Anak) for The Elder Scrolls games by Bethesda .

Saint Patrick Christian Fiction Book

Since 2013 Samuel has been self-publishing his own books on Wattpad & Amazon & republishing old public domain books. Samuel’s allegorical writing style has been influenced by C.S.Lewis, J.R.R.Tolkien & Brian Godawa.

In early 2016 Samuel had a a personal encounter with the LORD in which he recognized the extent of his sins and received the true Gospel of how Jesus Christ came to save His people FROM their sins rather than in their sins as he had been taught up to that point. See his Testimony > Here .

​Between 2018-19 Samuel painted 11 Prophetic Paintings .

John 8:31-32 Christian T-shirt Grey
Luke 17:26-30 Christian T-shirt Black
1 Corinthians 15:34 Christian T-shirt Navy

Since 2018 Samuel has been designing his own line of Bold Impacting Christian T Shirts for Disciples to openly proclaim their Faith in the LORD Jesus Christ.

In March of 2021 Samuel built as a portfolio website to show his experience and skills.

A Dynamic Visual Tool to Aid when Sharing the Gospel

In June of 2021 Samuel created his own version of Witnessing Cards as a dynamic tool for sharing the Gospel with others.

Church Fathers On the Detection & Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis By St. Irenaeus of Lyon (180 A.D.)
Church Fathers Athenagoras
Church Fathers Tertullian of Carthage (198-203 AD)

In the July of 2021 Samuel started to republish Christian public domain Books.

In February of 2022 Samuel started creating his own Non-Fungible Token designs and in April he created his first NFT Project David’s Mighty Men.

In March of 2023 Samuel created his second NFT Project Time Tokens. They are FREE.

In March of 2023 Samuel built his own TimeBank Social Network.

In November – December of 2023 Samuel translated his book Milk into Spanish.

In April of 2024 Samuel started creating his own AI music on Udio and Suno